It’s easy to miss the point that in order to achieve new levels of growth, our business will need new/different skills, tools, resources, etc. It’s the idea of “what got you here won’t get you there”. A perfect example is a small team that maxes out on capacity.
Larry Greiner’s Growth Model states that each new level of “growth” creates a new crisis which he identified as:
Crisis of Leadership - moving from start up mentality to a more well defined management style.
Crisis of Autonomy - management becomes siloed and more interested in the business unit vs the whole.
Crisis of Control - Owner/Operators find it difficult the relinquish control.
Crisis of Red Tape - Bureaucracy, excess of reports, broken systems, etc slow growth.
Crisis of Growth - how to continue growing as a mature, successful company?
Chances are you’re in one of these phases. Which phase you’re in and how to break out of it will require taking time with your team, getting honest with the situation and being prepared to invest time, capital, energy into leveling up… assuming you’re interested in growth.
It’s a perfect opportunity to break out those beloved SWOT’s.
Power to the Entrepreneur!
Tim Martinez
“The Inside Man”
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